Arlington Sex Addiction Therapist

Seeking For Sex or Relationship Therapist?

If you are seeking the services of an experience sex or relationship therapist to help you with your relationship struggles, come find us at Lifeworks Recovery. Lifeworks Recovery offers a variety of services for sexual and intimacy healing for individuals and couples. We understand that many people are in need of help when it comes to accepting and understanding their own sexual self and the self of their partner. To this end, we offer a variety of counseling services including:

  • Sexual Counseling and Therapy
  • Marriage Counseling and Therapy
  • Couples Counseling and Therapy

Lifeworks Recovery is a sex and relationship counseling and treatment center in Arlington, TX that is here to help you build better, stronger relationships by helping you accept and claim your sexuality in a healthy, nurturing environment. We know that being unable to commit to a healthy sexual and intimate relationship often stems from personal issues that can get in the way of trying to make real connections. This can result in problems such as sex addiction, pornography addiction, betrayal, infidelity and broken marriages.

Even more, we at Lifeworks Recovery are here to help everyone build stronger relationships — even those who aren’t suffering from sex addiction — by offering marriage and couples counseling services. Often, a lack of a healthy relationships, sexual or otherwise, can be the result of a much more intimate and personal problem, and our experienced and professional psychologists and counselors can help you and your partner free yourselves of these problems and build healthier, stronger relationships both intimately and sexually.

We help clients work through a variety of problems that include such things as:

  • body image disorder
  • lack of sexual intimacy
  • sex addiction
  • pornography addiction
  • sexual hyperarousal
  • infidelity

We help heal both the afflicted as well as their partner — by helping partners comes to terms with the complexities of their own trauma forced on them by nearness — while we also help the afflicted grasp the truth of his or her own condition as well as accept and take blame for the problems they have caused in their relationships due to their addictions.

Lifeworks Recovery is fully staffed by Certified Sex Addiction Therapy (CSAT) therapists, and we offer a variety of services to aid people with marriage and couples counseling, as well as sex and addiction therapy. We have outpatient and counseling programs to help our clients overcome their own personal addictions, heal their sexual issues and maintain healthy, intimate relationships, overcome and conquer infidelity and betrayal and learn how to connect with their partner in deeper and more meaningful ways.

In addition, we provide sex therapy for individuals who suffer from sexual addiction issues such as hyper-arousal and compulsion. Our comprehensive sex counseling and treatment provides relief for both the addict as well as the partner, family, and other important relations of the addict, in order to help bring about comprehensive healing. Our program leads the addict from initial discovery all the way to a thriving life afterwards.

With years of professional experience and training to draw from, Lifeworks Recovery in Arlington offers professional services as well as personal recovery treatments, from sexual compulsive disorders to pornography addiction, marriage counseling and couples therapy. Whatever issue you are dealing with that threatens to upend your life and your intimate relationships, Lifewords Recovery has CSAT therapists who are trained to listen and help bring you — and your partner — towards healing.

Even if you are not dealing with addiction issues, many couples suffer from a lack of intimacy and communication in their relationship. If that describes you and your partner, our couples and marriage counseling services are available to help open up the pathways of healthy communication once again.

Because these issues relating to health, sex and intimacy can affect people in a variety of ways, our therapy services are also able to help people dealing with other issues such as:

  • PTSD
  • eating disorders and compulsions
  • family counseling
  • partner support
  • substance abuse

Whatever your addiction/compulsion-related problems are, we have therapists who are here and ready to help. If you are afraid of what might happen as a result of seeking help, it’s important to weigh that risk against the risk of doing nothing. What seems like a terrifying move now can be the first step in finally seeking a path towards healing.

If you are suffering from any of the issues we’ve talked about, or are living with someone who is, it’s time to reach out and give us a call now at Lifeworks Recovery. As sex therapists and marriage counselors in Arlington we look forward to working with you and your loved ones to help you create a better life for you and your partner.