San Antonio

Services We Offer in San Antonio


Porn Addiction Therapy
Play Therapy
Sex Buyers Therapy
Sex Addiction Counseling
Individual Therapy
Couples Therapy
Sex Addiction Groups
Partners Groups
Couple's Groups
Stress Reduction
Certified Therapist
Partners of Sex Addicts Help
Treatment Facilities
Sex Addiction Screening
Internet Sex Screening
Love Addiction Screening

Our San Antonio Team

Sex Addiction Help

If you are looking for sex addiction and betrayal trauma help in San antonio, Life Works Recovery can help you and your loved ones interrupt the suffering and lies that are damaging your life and hurting the ones you love.

Everybody begins the same way, living their lives until something happens; they get arrested, their spouse or children find out, their job finds out or their inner world becomes so desolate and painful that they can no longer tolerate the cycles of indulgence and deprivation.

Denial is common and most people seek help after being caught or after the pain of the behavior outweighs the gain that they get from the problematic way of being in the world. Denial is no longer effective in hiding the pain, shame, lies and fear. Love and connection are no longer present.

Help, and hope begin with a phone call. The phone may feel too heavy, and trust may be in short supply, but a healthy human being needs a fair witness to his or her journey. People around them that know the truth and guide the person to embracing who they really are rather than living in who they have been, falsely believing that is who they are.

Life Works Recovery is an environment that facilitates and supports deep, meaningful change. We use an approach based on attachment and trauma, relational depth, and treating the whole family system and whole individual, not just the behaviors, but their origin.

If this sounds like it can help you or your loved one, don’t hesitate, reach out to us today. Nobody can do it alone. You deserve to be free.