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Sex Addiction Treatment And Potty Training

It’s All About Regulation Why is recovering from sex addiction so challenging? Sex addicts have trouble tolerating their emotions and need something outside themselves to help them cope. Therefore successful sex addiction treatment includes


If You Need Help Navigating Your Sexual Identity See a Sex Therapist

Sexual identity is defined as how you think of yourself and how you are attracted to others romantically. A person’s sexual identity is unique to them and does not have to fit in a predetermined category. Your upbringing, religion, family, culture and experience all shape your sexual identity. With so many variables, it is understandable why some people struggle with this part of their life. Seeking out a sex therapist is one of the best things you can do to


Marriage Counseling Advice – Seek a Professional Relationship Therapist

You’re having problems in your marriage. Do you wait for things to improve or do you seek help from a relationship therapist?   Signs You Need A Relationship Therapist If you and your partner are very discouraged about your relationship, it is very likely you need a relationship therapist to help you resolve these issues. If the following list rings true for you, you definitely need professional help: Fighting more often Fights seem stuck on the same issues over and


How to Prepare for Therapy

“It won’t be an easy journey – do not expect it to be. But the easy journeys are not worth the leather on the soles of our shoes, boy. It’s the journeys that test us to our very core – the journeys that strip the clothes from our back, mess with our minds and shake our spirits – these are the journeys worth taking in life. They show us who we are.” ― Justin Somper, Demons of the Ocean   I remember


Recovering from Addiction as a Non-Addict (Part I)

It is nearly impossible to meet anyone that hasn’t been affected by the chaos of addiction either directly or indirectly.  As science and society progresses, we have (mostly) come to understand that addiction is not a moral failing, but a complicated, confusing, and progressive disease that can cause grief and chaos in the lives of the alcoholic/addict and their loves ones.  But how do we cope with watching our loved ones suffer from a baffling and cunning disease?  What are


Recovering from Addiction: The Other Side (Part II)

“If you avoid conflict to keep the peace you start a war inside yourself.”                                                                                                                       –Cheryl Richardson One of the most difficult yet important tasks of addiction family/friend recovery is understanding the importance of boundaries and letting go. Addiction recovery on either side – addict or not – is all about learning what are boundaries and how to set them. Learning about and maintaining boundaries in our life means honoring ourselves as an individual with desires, wants, and needs


Road to Recovery: A New Group for Those Affected by Addiction, Trauma, and/or Mental Health

This therapy and support group is created for those that are struggling with their loved one’s addictions, substance use, compulsive behaviors, anxiety, trauma depression, and/or other mental health issues. Additionally, individuals in recovery from any of the aforementioned issues are welcome to join to process, grow, and share their experiences. This group offers a new perspective on substance use, addiction, trauma, mental illness & wellness, and coping with them as well as tools on how to support your loved one


What is DBT and How Can It Help With My Feelings?

“Emotions are not good, bad, right, or wrong. The first step to changing our relationship to feelings is to be curious about them and the messages they send to us.” ― Lane Pederson   Emotions, feelings, sentiments, and sensations can be so frustrating and exhausting sometimes that we may wish we would be better off turning them off or maybe we even have learned to break away from them or stuff them down. The problem with this, as research suggests, is


Anxiety Management and Mindfulness

“Meditation: Because some answers can only be found on the inner net.” – Shira Tamir   Are you feeling anxious more often than you’d like and want a quick fix?   We now live in a time and generation where the concept of being present, at times, feels impossible and the idea of mindlessness is encouraged. Whenever I ask my clients questions such as, “When was the last time you have spent ten minutes in absolute solitude and focused on


Therapy for Men: Why Men Don’t Go

We live in changing and progressive times where the role of gender is becoming less rigid and the concept of “being a man” is constantly changing.  The image of the Marlboro Man riding his horse down a desert or a New York attorney in a suit and tie running down fifth avenue only stopping to flirt with a woman in a red dress is becoming less and less relevant these days.  The idea of a man being sensitive, open-minded, and


When Sex Becomes a Problem

“Perhaps the great renewal of the world will consist of this, that man and woman, freed of all confused feelings and desires, shall no longer seek each other as opposites, but simply as members of a family and neighbors, and will unite as human beings, in order to simply, earnestly, patiently, and jointly bear the heavy responsibility of sexuality that has been entrusted to them.” ― Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet   Although sexuality and sex has


Recovering from Betrayal & Infidelity

“We are all damaged. We have all been hurt. We have all had to learn painful lessons. We are all recovering from some mistake, loss, betrayal, abuse, injustice or misfortune. All of life is a process of recovery that never ends. We each must find ways to accept and move through the pain and to pick ourselves back up. For each pang of grief, depression, doubt or despair there is an inverse toward renewal coming to you in time. Each