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Tag: family

Sex Addiction in Dallas: Actual or Virtual?

The sex-addiction eruption owes much of its force to the Internet explosion. Over the past twenty years, the fast-paced development of the World Wide Web has, curiously enough, been propelled by the multi-billion sex industry. Technology has


Sex Addiction Help Dallas?

“Sex addiction” isn’t easy to understand. Getting “sex help” in Dallas is always a scary step. Why? “Sex addiction”, “sexual compulsivity”, “pornography addiction”


Dallas Sex Addiction Help: Am I a Sex Addict?

Am I a sex addict? At Life Works Recovery, we hear this question on a daily basis. It takes a great deal of training, education, and experience to effectively answer this question. What makes a sex addict a sex addict? All addiction, whether it


What Is Codependency?

The definition of codependency as a psychological condition or an illness developed in the rooms of Alcoholic Anonymous, and the people treating the alcoholic began to realize that the alcoholic was not the only problem, the only one with some


Codependency and Perfection

“Don’t screw up!” This is one of the rules that every codependent follows. Regardless of the situation, the codependent believes he or she must hit the nail on the head every single time. The codependent is a perfectionist at heart and there is


Are You Acting Out, Acting In, or Reaching Out?

If you’ve spent any time recently learning about addiction you’ve probably come across the term acting out. You can probably guess at the meaning of reaching out. But how about acting in? All three of these terms are related to the addiction


Dallas Sex Addiction Therapist

I am often asked here, at Lifeworks Recovery, why should we use you or your staff. What makes a sex addiction therapist so special? Why use a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist or a CSAT? As a Dallas sex addiction therapist, a CSAT, someone who


Sex Addiction – What is visual arousal?

Don’t all men do it? Don’t all men look at porn? First off, I must answer both of these with a resounding no. We live in a society where women are sexualized (and men) and their bodies are treated as sexual objects, so it makes sense