Sex addiction often means controversy to everyone except those of us who have the disease or those of us who treat the disease. Understanding sex addiction as an intimacy disorder means getting in touch with some labels. Sex addiction, love addiction, porn addiction. These labels still drive people crazy and into denial, much like alcoholism did 30 years ago. Sex addiction is moving into pop culture now, thankfully, although the deniers still are plentiful, especially in the porn industry and the video delivery industry.

Today, understanding sex addiction as an intimacy disorder is a starting point for understanding sex addiction as an attachment disorder, that which needs to be understood to actually help people heal from the intimacy symptoms they experience. There is hope for those that suffer. Talented professionals exist that understand the problem.

Signs of an intimacy disorder include:

  • Difficulty finding relationships.
  • Difficulty tolerating relationships.
  • Difficulty being honest and vulnerable in a relationship.
  • Avoiding relationships completely.
  • Living a parallel life with your partner.
  • Difficulty depending on your partner.
  • Difficulty letting your partner depend on you.
  • Difficulty being emotionally close to your partner.
  • Difficulty letting your partner be emotionally close to you.
  • Struggles being away from your partner, feeling abandoned.
  • Medicating yourself when your partner is away, with sex, drugs, alcohol, etc.
  • Fearing what your partner is doing while away or saying about you.


Sex Addiction As An Intimacy Disorder

Sex addiction as an intimacy disorder describes the symptoms of the problem, much like a runny nose could be a cold or allergies or the flu. Sex addicts can’t get close enough to be seen or known.

Sex addiction experts, what are called Certified Sex Addiction Therapists, have special training to assess and diagnose the underlying attachment disorder, if it is present, that sex addiction is rooted in. In other words sex addiction as an attachment disorder points the way to the impaired early bonding experience that most sex addicts, love addicts, codependents, and love avoidance experienced at an early age.

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